Mar, 2021
It’s Time to Spring Forward, With Commercial Window Cleaning!
After another lengthy winter here in our beloved Michigan, we’re pleased to say that it finally feels as if spring is arriving. The days are growing longer, the sun is starting to make more frequent appearances, and – while the temperatures aren’t exactly tropical – they’re definitely trending in the right direction!
Like many other people, we like to think of spring as the season of fresh starts here at J&M Window Cleaning. Whatever has happened in the preceding months, now is the perfect time to clean the slate, turn over a new leaf, and decide on the course you’re going to take over the rest of the year. Combined with the gradual relaxation of pandemic-related restrictions, it really does feel like – right now – we can all start to move forward again.
That’s true not just on a personal level, of course, but on a commercial level too. If you’re a business owner in Bloomfield Hills, Detroit, Novi, or Troy, this is when you should really be leaving the winter behind you and looking ahead to the opportunities to come. We’re not qualified to help you with some aspects of this, but one area in which we can definitely provide assistance is with the appearance of your business premises.
We have notoriously tough winters here in Michigan, and these really can take their toll on our buildings. The likes of rain, wind, ice, and snow will have battered the outside of your business over the past few months. Whether you’ve actually noticed or not, we’re guessing your premises are looking the worse for wear right now. In turn, this will unfortunately be projecting a negative impression on clients, customers, and even your own employees.
That all sounds pretty depressing, we know… but we’ve got some excellent news for you. All these problems can go away within a matter of hours. All you have to do is pick up the phone, get in touch with J&M Window Cleaning, and ask about our famed commercial window cleaning service.
We’ve been providing commercial window cleaning for businessmen and women all around Detroit, Troy, Novi, Bloomfield Hills, and other nearby areas since 2003. In that time we’ve cleaned buildings of all shapes and sizes, which have been designed for all kinds of purposes. Car dealerships, country clubs, restaurants, bars, cafes, entire office buildings… you name it, and we’ve cleaned windows there! We can promise you one thing, too – we’ve invariably left that building looking a whole lot better than it did when we arrived.
We notice a spike in enquiries about commercial window cleaning every year at around this time, and it’s not hard to see why. People might forget a little about how their business actually looks during the darker, rainier winter months. When the sun’s shining again though, you start to notice these things pretty quick! Suddenly, dirty windows become pretty darn obvious, from both inside and outside the building.
If you’ve noticed this too, then now is the perfect time to do something about it. Your workers will thank you, your customers will regard your premises in a much more positive light, and – overall – you’ll be much better prepared to tackle the months ahead. If you’re based in Troy, Bloomfield Hills, Novi, or Detroit, and you think commercial window cleaning sounds like the service for you, simply get in touch with J&M Window Cleaning now. You can do so by calling (248) 605-2243, or emailing CleanWindows@JMWindowCleaning.com, and we’ll be happy to take things from there!
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